T (941) 739 5596
Email: pierre@pnamobility.com
P&A Mobility Bradenton
320 Cortez Rd. W, Bradenton Florida
If you have lived in Bradenton, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Ellenton, Palmetto, and the surrounding areas for a while, you have likely seen an increase in the use of mobility scooters on sidewalks and elsewhere. At P&A Mobility we have also experienced this increase, and we now offer a large number of both three-wheeled mobility scooters as well as four-wheeled mobility scooters. Some of these scooters are heavier-duty and are designed for prolonged use, whereas other models are lighter and can more easily be folded up for travel, even travel on an airplane. No matter what sort of mobility scooter you are looking for, we have just the right model. Contact us today to learn more and stop in to see and test out different mobility scooters.
Does this scooter feel good to sit on? Will this scooter go where I need it to go? Is this scooter too big to use in my home? These and many other questions always come up when people are looking to narrow down what type of scooter they should be getting. It can be hard to choose amongst all of the different models, as some are lighter in weight for travel while others are meant for enjoying the outdoors and are more stable. Others have more places to put things which can be good for shopping trips and others have fewer and are just about transporting you from place to place.
With all of the variety in mobility scooters, it only makes sense to do a scooter rental. This will provide you the opportunity to try out what you think will be the best model to see if it does what you need it to do. You will quickly find out if you enjoy using it and if it can handle all of your tasks. Scooter rentals will provide you the chance to try out different models before you purchase the right one.
In the same way that we have scooter rentals, we also have wheelchair rentals. Not everyone who uses a wheelchair will need it permanently. If you are recovering from surgery, for example, you may only need a wheelchair for a few weeks until things have recovered enough that you no longer need the assistance. It is also possible that you are testing out the possibility of having a wheelchair permanently but want to see if it will be a good idea before investing the money.
Mobility aids can take many forms, from canes and crutches to mobility scooters and wheelchairs. You must get the right solution for your needs in Bradenton, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Ellenton, Palmetto, and the surrounding areas. Scooter rentals, wheelchair rentals, and other services from P&A Mobility provide a great way to find the right option for your needs. Contact us today to learn more.