T (941) 739 5596
Email: pierre@pnamobility.com
P&A Mobility Bradenton
320 Cortez Rd. W, Bradenton Florida
Using a wheelchair is something that used to be more of an issue, especially when it came to traveling longer distances in a vehicle in St. Petersburg, FL. While a wheelchair will always present more challenges when compared to those not in a wheelchair, at P&A Mobility we are aiming to make life better for those in wheelchairs, and that includes transportation with our wheelchair van selection. For those who use a wheelchair occasionally and not all of the time, even getting into a vehicle from a wheelchair can be a challenge, while those permanently in a wheelchair need to have other accommodations. Our wheelchair vans allow for much easier entry and exit while in your wheelchair, as well as being secured properly while underway. Contact us today to learn more about our wheelchair van selection.
Not all wheelchair vans are the same, so the person in the wheelchair must be comfortable in the vehicle. There are a few considerations on measurements that will help in choosing the right wheelchair van. You should have the height measurement from the floor to the top of the person's head when they are seated in the wheelchair. You should also have the width of the wheelchair, the width of the wheels, as well as the length of the individual from the back of the wheelchair to the extension of their legs, along with the weight of the person and wheelchair together.
With these measurements, you can now start to review the different affordable wheelchair vans that would fit these requirements. There will be different ramp options for these vans, either a foldout ramp that is either manually or electronically operated, or an in-floor ramp that is stored underneath the floor of the van. You should also consider the entry options for these vans, either from the side of the vehicle or from the rear.
No two wheelchair vans are the same, so you must ask questions that are specific to your needs in St. Petersburg, Florida. You may prefer to have a manual ramp, but then find the ease of the electronic ramp to be a welcome upgrade. Ask about loading and unloading in different scenarios, and make sure that you receive a demonstration of all of the features of the wheelchair van from our team at P&A Mobility.
Getting to and from appointments, grocery shopping, or just getting out of the house for a few hours is what wheelchair vans are all about. Local lore claims John C. Williams and Peter Demens flipped a coin to see who would have the honor of naming the city which later became St. Petersburg. When Demens won the coin toss, the city was named after Saint Petersburg, Russia, where Peter Demens had spent half of his youth, while John C. Williams named the first hotel after his birthplace, Detroit (a hotel built by Demens). The oldest operating hotels are the Pier Hotel (formally Hotel Cordova), built in 1921, and The Exchange Hotel (formally The Heritage Hotel), built in 1926. Contact us today to learn more about all of our wheelchair vans.